Saint-Vino's trademark change announcement new standard new weather taste more fashionable

Letter: Stovano Trademark Change Notice
————The new standard new weather taste is more fashionable
Advice to the agent:
Our company----Guangzhou Yongqi Trading Co., Ltd., is represented by the British St. Vincent's headquarters in July 2008. In order to better develop the St. Vincent brand in the long run, it is easy to identify the brand of St. Vincent. With the logo, the head office changed the ST.FANNOU logo to ST.FANNO according to the international fashion aesthetic requirements. Please carefully identify and facilitate better use. The former (ST.FANNOU) logo was discontinued on July 30, 2008. Any future sales of the St. Fanuc brand under the logo will be rejected by the company. Special announcement is issued.
This is where the inconvenience caused to the San Vino brand dealers is to be forgiven.
If there is a need for service, the St. Fano agent or customer can call the brand office of St. Vincent China. Thank you!
New and old logo comparison
Saint-Vino's old logo (disabled) Saint-Vino's new logo

Saint Vincent Brands

Christmas Candles

White Candles Co., Ltd. ,

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