Spirit King from the Ocean--砗磲


Some people say that after Haihuang, it will become a new collection hotspot. Today, more and more people are starting to collect. Because the number of cockroaches is scarce, cockroaches are especially precious. People who love cockroaches know that the beauty of cockroaches is not only in its shape, but also because cockroaches have a lot of effects. The following small series will share with you the role of 砗磲.

Want to understand the role of 砗磲 first need to know what 砗磲 is, many people may think that 砗磲 is abiotic, in fact, 砗磲 is a shellfish living in the deep sea, its shell is a precious organic gem, can be processed Into all kinds of jewelry, known as one of the seven treasures of Buddhism.

It is an organic gemstone that grows in the deep sea and contains trace elements and amino acids. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", there is a record of the physiological effects of earthworms on the human body.

First: promote the body's metabolism. Phosphorus and amino acids contained in earthworms can promote the production of digestive enzymes, increase appetite, and make people eat well. The magnetic effect of sputum can promote the expansion of blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, enhance metabolism, and improve the body's immunity. The metabolism is accelerated, and it can also break down and prevent the synthesis of excess fat, effectively changing the symptoms of obesity.

Second: calm and calm the effect. The minerals and amino acids contained in the sputum can improve the function of the brain, stabilize the mind, improve the state of insomnia, and make people sleep well. Wearing 砗磲 helps to regulate the body and mind and improve the efficiency of work and study. Especially for high blood pressure, loss of appetite, insomnia, and unconsciousness, the effect is particularly obvious.

Third: prevent aging. After scientific instrument analysis, strontium contains calcium carbonate, shell keratin, amino acids and many trace elements. Long-term wear is beneficial to mineral absorption, improve the body's growth and secretion system, prevent aging, and thus achieve longevity.


It is a Buddhist sacred object with the meaning of auspiciousness. The ancients believed that cockroaches had a strong magnetic field, which could avoid evil spirits, eliminate disasters, ensure peace, and wear incredible magical power and induction for a long time. The practitioners believe that: those who practice the law and protect the law can purify greed, jealousy, idiots, eliminate karma, increase wisdom and practice virtue.

There is such a description in the Buddhist "The Immaculate Sutra": "砗磲-based." This is because 砗磲 is a symbol of purity and purity, and Buddhism pays attention to “the mind is quiet, the mind has no distractions”, and 砗磲 symbolizes an ethereal realm of pure dust, no desire, no desire, and makes people reach one. The heart is as quiet as water, and there is no space for the peace and emptiness of the noon.

In addition, 砗磲 natural flawless, pure and white, with aura.释放 By releasing magnetism, the human body can generate magnetic induction, introduce the aura of nature into the human body, let the mind return to nature, and feel the joy and satisfaction of the body and mind.

The theme of 砗磲 crafts is often related to Buddhism. It is made into various Buddhist props, Guanyin, Bodhisattva and other traditional mascots. These works of art contain people's wishes and blessings for a better life, from the historical allusions, Buddhism, myths and legends to reduce the psychological burden and pessimism of the human body, and enrich people's ideals and beliefs.

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