Shishi and the surrounding backbone of textile and garment enterprises involved in science and technology involved in the production of products

"In doing excellent traditional industries, based on the timely involvement of science and technology-based products." Today, this reference, the backbone of Shishi textile and garment enterprises is no longer just a slogan from the Shishi and the surrounding backbone of 17 textile and garment enterprises Of the Fujian Group, has taken the first step to high-tech products, recently, the Group and Shanghai Fudan University, a technology company and a technology company in Tianjin join forces to develop and produce high-energy batteries and all-fiber perimeter security System products. Particularly gratifying is that the group has achieved the core technology and talent advantages of the two products through close cooperation. At present, Minhang Group's technology companies produce high-energy sealed lead-acid batteries without maintenance, the performance indicators have reached and passed the Japanese industry JISC8707 92 standards and international IEC95 3 77 standards, the products are widely used in military equipment, power systems, telecommunications Communication systems, electric vehicles, railway signaling systems, alarm systems, UPS power supplies, miner's miner's lamps and other fields. The core technologies of all-fiber perimeter security system products have passed the tests of the state authoritative agencies and have great application scope and broad market prospects. It is understood that this energy product is one of the green energy with the most development and application prospects in the 21st century and belongs to the high-tech industrialization project currently under development by the state. The National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries will focus on this "green energy" Foster high-tech projects. The United Nations 2000 White Paper on Industrial Structure points out that secondary batteries will become the tenth pillar industry in the world in the next two decades. The all-optical fiber perimeter security system realizes the real-time sound and light alarm of the system by directly touching the optical fiber cable or carrying the optical cable carrier so as to achieve the early warning and monitoring effect on the perimeter of the intrusive fortified area. The products developed and produced by the subordinate organizations of Fujian Merchants Group have overcome the technical problems that the products at home and abroad have not yet broken through in the past and are expected to form a new standard for national optical fiber security products. "Going out is not the relocation of the industry, but to broaden their broader space for development and market." Fujian Merchants Group official said so that our roots are still tied in the lions of this hot land, our "old OK "not only did not give up, but will do more. After gradually embarking on the "diversified development model," we will also take advantage of the returns of other industries to feed our main business and make our clothing brands even louder. In recent years, many foreign enterprises are required to set up factories in China and make use of China's resources and The development of the market itself is the truth. The stone can attack the jade. A few years ago Jiangsu and Zhejiang Shanshan, Younger and other clothing company name, on the basis of ever-stronger clothing brand took the lead in the diversification of the successful step , With the proceeds of other industries in turn promote the "old industry" to develop in depth.Nowadays, not only the original clothing brand harder and louder, but also in the high-tech products and the tertiary industry has been fruitful.A related evaluation: the current economic development and then Nor is it "self-sufficient" limited to a narrow area in a county or city. The world economy is becoming increasingly integrated with the world and the development of China's economy needs to be integrated Larger market. Shishi small territory, resource constraints are very limited, enterprises and the entire industry to develop rapidly also need to have a regional awareness of breakthroughs, . Will use their own resources to develop the field, but there are two points should be noted: First, the "old" can not lose, and should do better; the second is to get involved in other industries should control the core technology, and have the appropriate resources, personnel and other conditions.

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